First Show? Here's some help navigating our event!
If you are not competing with a dog at a dog show, this makes you a "spectator". As you pull up to the showgrounds, you will be greeted by our gate personnel. Entry into the show is $5.00 per car, each day. Once through the gate, you may park near the show building. Be mindful of vans and RVs, which house dogs and their exhibitors (the people showing the dogs) as they often go in and out of their vehicle throughout the day.
Once you've entered the building's main entrance, you'll find a table. Here, you can find the show's premium (or program). Each day, dogs are shown at different times and rings. For example, poodles might show in Ring 5 at 8:00AM. If you missed this ring time, you're likely to see a (single) poodle in the group ring. The group ring shows in the main building, inside, at the end of the show. All dog breeds (Retrievers, Poodles, etc) are categorized into groups. The next day, poodles may show in Ring 5 at 11:00AM. This is why the premium is so helpful!
At our show, you're likely to find smaller dogs (such as the toy group) inside and larger dogs (such as the herding group) at the outside pavilion. We also have a German Shepherd Specialty at the Fairgrounds too. A specialty is a dog show for one singular breed of dog. An all breed show is for all breeds.
Only dogs competing in the show may be at the fairgrounds.
Service dogs are always allowed.
Yes, we will have food vendors available by the outdoor rings.
You can think of a dog show as being similar to a pageant in that the way all dogs are fluffed, brushed and trimmed to perfection. For this reason, never pet a show dog without asking first! Some exhibitors are more than happy to let you interact with their dog, but many are preparing for the ring and have to keep up with the show schedule.
Continuing on that topic, feel free to ask exhibitors questions. They are more often than not experts in their breed! A dog show is a great place to experience different breeds, ask questions and learn which breed might be best for you! However, timing is important. Save your questions for after a dog and their handler have gone into the ring and please keep away from the ring entry point.
This is a good question! As you stand by the ring, you might think to yourself that the dogs are competing against each other. Actually, they are competing against what is known as a "breed standard". Each breed has a standard to which the dogs are bred. One dog's standard might require tipped ears and a curly tail. Another asks for a white colored dog, an under-bite and a specifically shaped head.
There is a lot into a breed standard, often pages of information, to which the breeder follows. The dogs in the ring are being compared to the standard, which the judge has learned by heart. Then, the judge picks who he/she feels best represents the standard.